Representatives of Administrative Organizations in Investment Service Center
ITEM ID : 311  |   VIEWS: 2284   |   PUBLISH DATE: Friday, August 5, 2016
  • Natural Resources and Watershed Administration of East Azarbaijan Province

    Head of the Organization: Namdar, Davar
    The representative: 1-Shahbazi kia, Saeid 2-Nikpiran, Rahman 3-Mahdavi, Rasoul  |  Organizational position of the representative: 1-Chief of discovering and utilizing natural resources office 2-Chief of protection and support department 3-Chief of auditing and altimetering department  |  Educational degree and field of study: 1-MSC of soil science 2-MSC of physics and soil protection 3-Bachelor of Farming and crop improvement
    Address: Next to Sadaf park, Ostad Shahriyar Sq., Darvazeh Tehran, Tabriz- 5157977391

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