Geographical Location
East Azarbaijan province, located in the North West corner of Iran plateau, is one of the important, high populated and well developed provinces of Islamic Republic of Iran. It has common borders with the Republics of Azarbaijan, Nakhjavan and Armenia, and due to its location on the route of the Silk Road and having specific geographical position is called the Cross-road of Iran-O-Europe connection road and the Gate of the East.
East Azarbaijan province is one of the industrial poles of I.R. of Iran, and existence of some industries with specific potentials has helped industrial boom and development of the region.
There are more than 5000 active industrial units in the province and majority of them are activating in food, pharmaceutical and health, textile and leather, chemical and cellulose, non-metal minerals, heavy industries manufacturing machinery, equipment and spare-parts, automobile, driving force, casting, petroleum high- industries, steel and petrochemical industries.
Existence of Aras Free Trade-Industrial Zone with an area of 51000 hectares, several Economic Special Zones, more than 50 industrial estates and zones in various parts of the province, and an industrial estate specific for foreign investment indicate economic flourishing and high rapid investment in the province.
East Azarbaijan province is one of the rich regions of country from points of mineral variety and reserves. Up to now, more than 8 billion tons of mineral reserves have been recognized in the province. One of the most important mines of the province is Sun-Gun copper deposits which is one of the largest copper indices of Iran and world. Among other unique mineral reserves of the province we can mention to Nepheline syenite, Kaolin, Perlite, Diatomite and … .
East Azarbaijan province with 414 thousand hectares of irrigated lands and 807 thousand of dry lands is one of the high rank provinces in manufacturing agricultural and animal products. Some major and important products of the province are: grape, apricot, apple, potato, walnut, honey, red meat and … .
East Azarbaijan province, due to having natural, historical and environmental attractions and beauties, is one of the tourism industry poles of I.R. of Iran. This province has 1800 national registered monuments, two global registered monuments (Tabriz Traditional Bazaar, as the world largest brick structure with 27 hectares of area and Azarbaijan churches), 9 handicrafts having UNESCO Seal of Authenticity, 35 monuments having the Top Sign and 80 active handicrafts industries. Some global titles received by the province are Global Brand in Heris Hand woven Carpet and Tabriz as the World Carpet Weaving City.
East Azarbaijan province has wide road and railroad transportation connections with neighboring countries; such as cargo and passenger railways connected to Turkey, Armenia, and Nakhjavan autonomous republic.
The province is one of the loading and un-loading bases of export goods in country. With the aim of furthering development goals of the province, we have designed and performed Investment Single Window System as the pioneer province in all over of Iran. This system facilitates and accelerates investment related affairs procedures.