Is Foreign Investment permitted in Iran?
What objectives are to be achieved by foreign investment?
Under what legal or contractual framework, foreign investment may be admitted in Iran?
How do you define foreign investment?
In what sectors foreign direct investment is permissible?
In what sectors foreign investment under contractual arrangement is permissible?
What legal structure do you recommend for foreign investment?
Is it obligatory to have local partner(s)?
Is there a ceiling for foreign investment in Iran?
If there is no restriction imposed in Iran, then what message a prospective foreign investor should get from the ratios of 25% and 35% referred to in Para (d) of Article (2) of FIPPA?
Is foreign investment permissible in oil and gas upstream activities?
Is it permissible to use foreign trade marks and names in foreign investments?
Is foreign investment allowed in companies quoted in the Stock Exchange Market?
How do you define Special Economic Zones in Iran and in which areas of the Country these so-called zones have so far been established?
Is there any difference between investments made in Free Trade Industrial Zones, Special Economic Zone and the mainland?
What is meant by the terms Iranian Company and Foreign Company, from the standpoint of Iranian laws and regulations?
Is it possible for foreign companies to establish legal bases in the form of branches or representative offices in Iran?
Is the establishment of branch or representative offices considered as foreign investment?
What are the features of Industrial Estates and what facilities are available in those areas?
What law protects foreign investment in the Islamic Republic of Iran?
What is the role of the regulations governing investment in Free Zones?
What is meant by the term protection under FIPPA?
What are those rights and privileges?
Are there any other facilities and privileges available to foreign investors?
What issues are specified in the investment license?
Who is qualified to invest in Iran?
How investments by Iranian nationals can be covered under FIPPA?
Is the validity of the investment license limited time wise?
Is it possible to extend the validity, and how?
Are foreign state-owned companies authorized to invest in Iran in accordance with FIPPA?
What are the sectors open to foreign investment in Iran under FIPPA?
Does FIPPA consider pure commercial activities as foreign investment?
What type of service activities are eligible to be covered under FIPPA?
Is the legal protection under FIPPA extended to foreign investments automatically?
How and under what condition an investment already carried out but not covered under FIPPA can enjoy FIPPA’s coverage?
Is foreign investment permissible in existing firms? If yes how?
How foreign investment can take place in an existing Iranian company?
In what manners a foreign investor can invest in an existing Iranian company and become a shareholder?
Under what legal framework BOT contracts are implemented?
What is meant by proprietary rights?
What is meant by assignment of proprietary rights in BOT contracts?
Are foreign investment companies authorized to open bank accounts outside Iran?
Is there any requirement for reintroducing export earnings to the Country for joint venture companies and investee firms?
Can foreign investor insure his investment? What kind of insurance?
Which authority is competent to settle investment disputes between Iranian and foreign investors or between a foreign investor and the Government?
How investment disputes may be settled?
Is ownership of land by foreign nationals permitted in Iran?
Is it permissible to own land by foreign nationals for the purposes other than personal use (i.e. industrial, agricultural, services, etc?)
Then how the “ownership of land” in foreign investment projects is resolved?
What is meant by the term “Iranian Company”?
Which authority is responsible for admission and protection of foreign investments in the Islamic Republic of Iran?
Is it obligatory to obtain a license for foreign investment?
Does it mean that each single investment under FIPPA requires a specific license?
What is the procedure for issuance of a foreign investment license? What documents are required for the issuance of such a license?
Which services could be provided to foreign investors by OIETAI?
What is the objective behind establishment of the Center for Foreign Investment Services?
Does the Organization provide any specific services to foreign investors other than consultancy services?
What are the types of foreign capital?
Are all kinds of foreign exchange acceptable as cash capital?
How foreign cash capital is imported into the Country?
Is it obligatory to convert the imported foreign exchange into Rials?
Is it possible for the foreign investor not to convert the imported foreign exchange into Rials but use it for foreign purchases and orders related to the investment project?
What is the applicable rate for the conversion of the foreign exchange imported into the Country?
Is it necessary to evaluate the foreign imported capital before its registration?
What formalities are required for importation of machinery, equipment, parts and raw materials (i.e., non-cash capital)?
Does it mean that importation of non-cash capital is free from local content requirements, allocation of foreign exchange and opening letter of credit?
Is there any charge applicable to importation of foreign non-cash (in-kind) capital?
What criteria are to be considered for importation of know-how?
Is it permissible to pay license fee or royalty?
What criterion is set for payment of license fee or royalty to foreign parties?
Is it possible to register patent right and trade mark in Iran?
Is it necessary to provide the list of non-cash capital before importation of the same?
Is a prior review of technical know-how necessary?
What is meant by the term "foreign exchange transfers"?
Is there any restriction with regard to the volume of transferable funds?
How the foreign exchange required for such transfers is procured?
Which formalities are required for transfers related to a foreign investment?
In case specific regulations or a government decision prohibits the export of products of the investment project, how the foreign exchange related to transfer of capital and profit is procured?
What is the rate of income tax for juridical persons in Iran?
Is an equal rate of tax applicable to all types of company including Iranian as well as foreign companies?
Are branches and representative offices of foreign companies which are engaged only in marketing and information collection for their parent companies abroad, subject to payment of income tax too?
How is the income tax of foreign airlines and shipping companies calculated in Iran?
Shall the income derived from transfer of technology agreements such as technical know-how, engineering and technical services and also payments of license fee and royalty be subject to taxation?
How the contracting business agreements are taxed?
How to compute the taxable income in Build, Operate and Transfer (B.O.T) projects, and what is the rate?
What is the manner of computation of salary income tax of foreign employees?
What is the rate of tax applicable to transfer of shares of companies listed in the Stock Exchange?
What is the rate of tax applicable to transfer of shares of other companies?
What customs duties are there?
What is meant by tax exemption, and how they are realized?
What are the tax exemptions, and in what manner they can be applied?
Is there any requirement for enjoying tax exemptions?
Shall the establishment of manufacturing units in less developed areas result in increase of the rate and period of tax exemption?
In respect of tax exemptions, is there any distinction between the units located in Special Economic Zones and those of the mainland?
Shall export income enjoy tax exemption?
What is the tax exemption applicable to transit goods?
Do the companies quoted in the Stock Exchange enjoy tax exemptions other than those applicable to industrial, mining, agricultural and tourism units?
Is customs exemption applicable to the raw materials imported on transit to be exported then in the form of manufactured goods?
At which price are the imported second hand machinery and equipments evaluated in customs house?
Which facilities are offered by OIETAI for entry visa of foreign investors and experts?
Are there any facilities available for the issuance of residence and work permits?
With which countries has Iran signed the Agreement on the Avoidance of Double Taxation? And are they enforceable at present?
With which countries has Iran signed the Agreement on Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment?
Has Iran concluded any multilateral investment agreement?
Has Iran joined the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)?
Which laws and regulations are necessary for potential foreign investors?